wow...finally after wat seems like forever...
i'm getting a rest...things in office have finally slowed down in pace...
i finally can go home early after work to rest...slp...and to settle my own stuffs...
the wedding had been great...! below are some of the photos taken that nite...

Special thanks to all who took time off to attend our wedding dinner...
it was a wonderful and special nite for both me and kelvin...
there were a few times i nearly wanted to cry...
although the whole wedding preparations were tiring...and tedious...
i guess...looking at the dinner turning out well...
when all your guests enjoyed themselves...
it makes all worthwhile...
a lot of friends told me that the dinner was grand...
my only pity was that i didnt have time to take pictures with every table...
there were 65 tables in total ok!!!
considering some table had more than 10...
we had more than 650 guests...!
sorry to my friends who had to sit in that room too...
i really am sorry...i didnt knw it wasnt part of the main hall...
we thot that it was the passageway separating...i'm really sorry...
i hope you guys had enjoyed the dinner and the food nonetheless!!!
also muz thank kelvin's army friends...
who specially took time off to come over to attend the wedding dinner...
well...and i guess some of you muz have known...
kelvin was dead drunk that nitez...omg...
before we left the restaurant...he was
when we were on the car not even out of the carpark...he was
when we reach home...he was still outside the house
omg...i guess all he could remember of the nite muz be his vomits!!!
hahaha...stupid me...forgot to take a photo of him in his ugliest..
sure can extort a great deal of things from him one!!!
then after the wedding...havent even got time to settle in marriage life...
gotta come back to office and prepare for natas fair...
omg...things were still as unprepared and unready as the previous fair...
we had to work thru the nights...going home in the wee hours...
not to mention also...we were severely lacking of staffs...
apparently...the SP interns this yr...cannot take all these late nitez...
complaint to the lecturers that we're abusing them...
and are now taken out of the company...
so...we're down by 2...
then...the new China lady...also not used to it...(my colleagues told me one...)
and starting to act weirdly in the middle of the nights...
so she always leave early also...
that leaves the preparations to only the 4 in counter...
and the rest of us at the back...
the Natas fair is held at Expo this yr...
it took me 1.5 hrs to travel on train to the fair site...
so...for the 3 whole days...i met Kim at Khatib and we took cabs...
both and fro...
cannot tahan ar...already not enough slp...still muz take train so long...
will die one u know!!!finally...we came back...dun think we hit the target...
but was a better fair than the previous...
and after these 2 long weeks...
things are finally going at normal pace...
now...i'm only busy with my Perth grp...departing on the 19 Oct...
i'd wanted to lead the group myself...
but then...cannot fly Kim lead for me...
the pre-tour briefing is on tue evening...
i've already got the booklet and powerpoint ready...
so juz gotta print the booklets out on mon...and staple them...
and muz remember to bring my Diners bags...
and the booklets...
and the freebies from WA...
and a few travel adaptors for them...
that shld be all ba...
pls pray for me first pre-tour briefing...for my first group...