...it was the annual AIG d&d again last nite...similar to last year...it had a theme...as this year's dinner is held in the midst of the CNY celebrations...the theme for this year was "Shanghai Night"...almost the whole department went for the dinner...the only ones that missed the event was JanIce, gERri (coS oF a suPer bAd fLu and fEVer) and thE 2 iNTeRNs...a pIty...nONe oF uS kNEw oF thE tHEme...tHus...alL "unAPproPriaTely" dREsseD...
...tHE dInnER sTarTEd wiTH thE tRAditIonal yU-SheNg disH...thEN tHe rEGulAR dInneR dIshes...
aS thE dInneR wAS hELd aT sWIsSoTeL...iT diD bRIng bACk sOme mEmoriEs...
...ThEn...tHeRe wAs sOMe pHoto-tAkINg aKa...gLamoUr sHOts aS weLl...sHOw u oNe of tHe piC ba...sINce i dUn hAve aCcesS tO a coLor sCanneR...i tOok tHe phOto oN mY vGa camERa phoNe...anD mmS it tO the coMpuTer...sO...qUalIty...nOt sO gOod lA...
...sO...hOw diD i lOok...hAha...sTIlL oK bA...i gUess...hAHa...aNywAY...tHere's aNothER oNE thAt i tOok wIth mY phOne dUriNg thE dInNer...
...tHis oNe loOk mOre lIke mE riGht...hAha...
...wELl...gUess iT iS gOinG to bE a gOod yEAr fOr mE thIs yr...cOs fOr tHE 1sT tiMe iN maNy MoNths...i wOn a pRIze at a lUCky drAw...wOn sOMe shOppiNG vOUchERs...hAHa...cAN gO shOppiNg le...
...aFtER tHe dInnEr...yEs...wIth tHosE clOthEs oN me...i wENt to jOin bRenda...lIwEN...qiUmei (n bf) and wing (n bf) aNd sOme of tHeir fRienDs...aT dBl o...iT wAs qUite fUn oVeraLl...alTHouGh mUsiC wAs a Bit bOriNg aT fiRst...bUt tHe plACe wAS hOt!!!
...tO siDE-tRack a bIt...wELl...tWisTed mY lEg...juSt bEfoRe iT wAS tiMe to gO hoMe...wAS liKe lImpIng aLl tHE waY...*sad case*...
...wElL...nOneThelesS...sO mANy PeopLe coMpliMenTed thAT i LookEd sWEet anD prettY yTd...hAha...cERtaiNly mAde my DaY...
...rEacHed hOme aT aRoUnd 4am...slEPt fOr arOunD 3 hOurs...tHen gOtta wAKe uP for wOrk...so hERe i Am...aRgh...a bIt oF shopPinG aT suNteC laTEr...thEn iTs tiMe for zzz....
...hOpeFUlly...bY thE tiMe i wAKe uP...hE'll mSG me to sAY he bOokeD ouT alREAdy...haHa...
i mIss hIm...
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