26 December 2005
tsunami anniversary
25 December 2005
merry xmas!
21 December 2005
a fresh new me
well..this week's busy busy busy..devlin was supposed to go tour leading to hokkaido on tue..and patrick to hong kong on wed..but well..devlin couldn't go last min cos of some family problems..so..last min..jolyn is going..and we all had to get ready..in case devlin had to go on emergency leave as well..argh!!! both patrick and jolyn passed over almost all to me..dying soon..although its a short week this week..not really a good thing i guess..cos i have less time to clear all the work..
15 December 2005
... ... its all over... ... finally... ...
11 December 2005
stupid me...
09 December 2005
iTS alL oVEr...finAlly??
03 December 2005
..maybe its time for us to step back and reconsider this relationship..
01 December 2005
this song..really says how i feel..
~cHicKen liTtlE...! ~
wELl..aFteR wOrk wENt to wATch cHicKen lItTLe wIth DeaRz..thE sHow wAs fUnnY..gReaT shOW to wATcH afTEr a sTressfUl dAY aT woRK..hAhA..cHickEN liTtLe wAS cuTe..tHE fIsh wAS cutE..tHE pIg too!! hAHa..a biT oF fAMily tIes..aNd fRIenDshIp iN tHe sTorylIne..
wE aCTualLy dId nOt haVe a mEEtiNg dE..But bEcaUse oF a sTUpid aNsweR i gAVe tO kim..fOr the CX HoNg kONg frEe 2 niGhts pRomo..wE all hAd to sTay baCK foR "BriEfinG"..sORry guYs..
lASt nItEZ i rEAllY wANtEd to wATch tHE moVie dE..bUt at tHE saMe tiMe, i wAS vERy HungRy..hAiz~sO..lUcky wE stIlL hAD a bIt oF tIme fOr mE to gET sOme sUShi anD bUbbLe tEa bEfore tHE sHow sTArts..haHA..oF cOS wE knOw wE arE noT suPposed tO bRing fOod iN..bUt i wAS juz tOo hunGry le Ma..haha..
eRM..oFficE toDAy iS nOT buSy aT alL..dIE lE..hAiz..gERrI's fAce gOnna bE bLaCK fOr thIs moNth..bETter sTOp blOgGing nOW..
30 November 2005
wELl..iT wAS oVErwhElmiNg iN oFFiCe tHis mOrning..pATrick wAs oN leAve..tHen tONs oF paTRIck's pAx cAme..
tOday iS maMa's bIrthDAy..lAsT nItez wEnt dInneR wIth dAdDY, dIDI anD maMA..iT wAS rEAlly a sUMptioUs dInNer..sO fuLl uNtiL cANt fiNish dInner..hAha..
weLl..mEt dEarZ aFteR diNneR..eRM..notHinG gReat oR bAd..jUz tHe saME..lIkE tHE sAmE aS uSuaL lO..eRm..
28 November 2005
tERrIbLe fEelIng...
eRm..sHoUld bE reStiNG aT hoMe dE..sIncE i'm hAviNg ProbLems wIth mY stoMach..bUt juZ cOulDN't rESisT dInNer wITh DeaRz..wELl, wE haD dInnER aT DING TAI FENG..(dUnNo iF iTs tHe cOrreCt woRds..hAha...)wElL..tHE dINnER wAS nIce..tHen wE wenT waLk waLk aROuNd OrchARd bEfore hE haD to gO baCk to cAMp..bUT i ReaLly wAsn't feElinG toO wELl..EspEciAlly aFTer tHe MeaL..So..dEarZ..If u r rEAdiNg tHis...n0t tHat I dUn wANna bE lIvelY oR waT..
dEarZ..sO hAPpy..tHis wEEk aLmoSt eVEry nItez cAN meEt u..HahA..nItez oFf mOn aNd tUE..thEn tHur anD fRI oFf..sO bOok oUT oN wEd niTez..hAhA..buT wElL..tMl nItez goTtA cELebRate mY mAMa's bIrthDAy..so cANt mEet u lE..u hAve a niCe tiMe ok..
fIrst bLog
wElL...tHe wEekEnd hAsn't bEen gOod for mE aT alL...hAd a bAd quArrel wiTh bOyfRIend...sPent tHe wHolE sAt aftErnoOn cRyinG aT HomE...
sPEnt sAt niTez @ DBL O...driNkiNg tHE niTez aWAy...hEard thAt DeARz wENt hOme aLone...fROm zOuk...wANTed sO muCh to gO fiNd hiM...caN tAKe cARez oF hiM...oR aT leASt accOmpANy him...BUt wAs sO afRaId tHat wiLl eNd uP quARrElliNg agaIn...
OveRNighT at wIng's pLAce...tHen weNt lOt 1...hAD bubBle tEa...haHa...thEn dEarz caMe to FetCh me...maNageD to Talk tHings oUT...diDn't quARrel aGAin...bUt stiLl sCARed wHEn thE neXt qUArreL wiLl coMe...rEally...vEry ScarEd...
aNyway...U gUys muST be sUrPrised y aM i bloGginG n0w iNsteaD oF sloGging iN offiCe rite...weLl...I'm on MC again...yES...agaIn...SinCE I've Been wIth DinerS...I've BeEn faLliNg sIck rEGulArly...mUst be soMethIng wROng wiTH thE aiR-cOn sYsteM theRe...aNyway...iTs gAStriC fLu agAIn...i ThinK it MuST be the 2nd tiMe iN 2 mOnths...hAHa...